
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

And I thought finals were overwhelming ...

Saturday was our first full day in Haiti. Throughout the day we were preparing our supplies for the Vacation Bible School (VBS) we would be doing Monday - Wednesday. The day went in a bit of a haze. I was still struggling with feeling overwhelmed.

That night our whole group was hanging out but I just felt like I was going to burst into tears, so I retreated to my room. I began to write my prayers to God. I talked to God through the words I was writing on the pages of my journal. I was struggling with what I had witnessed so far in the Dominican and Haiti. I couldn't believe I was seeing such poverty in person. I felt like I couldn't make a difference. As I was praying I wrote, "I feel alone. I want someone to notice I'm not out there with the group." Not a second later did Amy walk into my room, ask me to play cards, and give me a hug! God doesn't always answer us immediately like this but after two days of this completely overwhelming sensation, it was the encouragement I desperately needed.

Satan was polluting my mind with the thoughts that Haiti was unreachable and that I was unqualified to spread God's Word. God reminded me through Amy's hug and His Word, that it is not me that brings people to Christ but the Holy Spirit working through me. God can do the impossible.

Luke 18:27
But he said, "What is impossible with man is possible with God."

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