
Friday, May 17, 2013

Life lessons from burnt sauce and learning to listen to The still small voice

This past Sunday seemed like a normal weekend afternoon, one full of cooking. I had a lot on my mind, with things going on in my life but I thought some cooking would lighten my mood. Though this time I decided I was going to make homemade granola, roasted almond, cocoa roasted almonds, more sugar syrup, and a huge pot of marinara sauce (heavy on the garlic). I know that I can multitask, but I must say that was quite the undertaking. As I'm wizzing around the kitchen stirring this and chopping that, I'm not thinking about much really. My thoughts were centered around "I must get all this cooking done now!". 

I successfully made some delicious maple, raisin, walnut granola and some sweet and salty roasted almonds. A few hours into cooking my sauce I realized something smelled awful. I tentatively walked closer to the stove and almost shouted with frustration. I had burned an entire large pot of sauce! I thought, "How did that happen!? I never burn anything!". I guess there's always a first time for everything. The entire bottom of the pot had charred which made the burn taste permeate the entire sauce. I couldn't save any of it, it tasted so bad. 

After cleaning up the mess and accepting defeat in the kitchen, I retired to comfy chair. I began to think - something I had been suppressing the whole afternoon. I began to talk to God and realized that instead of dealing with the problems on my heart, I pushed them down by being busy. That is something I struggle with, being busy. I am constantly on the go. It's how I'm wired and also because I love doing so many things; cooking, reading, meeting with friends, cooking, baking, searching for recipes ... you get the idea. While talking with God, I realized that there is a difference between have a busy day and making myself busy

Busyness has become and idol in my life at times. 

God opened my eyes on Sunday evening. I need to listen to His "still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12) and come to Him with my problems, not drown myself in busyness. It was after the incident of burning my sauce that I heard God's voice. 

Today I am thankful that I burned my sauce, for it was after that "fire" that I heard what God was trying to tell me.

1 Kings 19:12 (NKJV)
"and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice."