
Saturday, August 10, 2013

So what did you build in Haiti?

While our team was in Haiti we stayed at the One Mission Society (OMS) compound in Cap Haitien, Haiti. OMS is a Christian organization that serves in over 70 countries world wide. In Cap Haitien they have a 20+ acre compound that serves many purposes. Over our six day stay we were able to see much that OMS does for the community. Their compound has a hospital, school, church, carpentry shop, cooperative farming and several house buildings. It was great to see local Haitian men and women working in each of the ministry areas OMS provides. There are over ten full time missionaries that live here but we only met a few as most were visiting family during the summer months.  

One of the things I learned while staying at OMS was that while it is great to give someone medical care or provide a carpentry job for them, it is far greater to use that as an opportunity to make the gospel known! 

When I returned to the States, so many people asked me, "So what did you build in Haiti?". At first I wasn't sure how to answer that question. I realized that many people living in the world just assume I went down to Haiti, built some houses, gave some money and left. Then it dawned on me that this in of itself is a way to make Christ known. I relied on God to boldly share that I was in Haiti spreading the gospel. Making Him known was my main mission, while there are many avenues to do so, such as helping at an orphanage or hosting a VBS. 

A few days ago my friend Anthony provided a great answer to the question, "So what did you build?"  That answer is, "We are building relationships on Jesus Christ!!" Amen!!

God calls us to spread His Word. If I go to a fourth world country and build a house or hug a child and think, oh I am a good person now, I've got it all wrong. I must go with a heart to serve the Lord. I have learned that If I can't use actual words, my actions can show Christ's love as long as I remember I am there to serve Him not myself. 

The world is lost and needs to know of the Savior Jesus Christ!

Romans 3:11
"No one understands; no one seeks for God."

If no one is seeking God then we must bring them His Word!

This is a photo of the entrance to the OMS compound. As with all large parcels of land in Haiti, it is surrounded by large concrete walls to prevent squatters from living on the land. 

This is a photo of inside the OMS compound. This is the house that I stayed at with 5 other people from our group.

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