
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

No Passport? Not a problem for God

It was Sunday night June 16, around 6pm, as I was pulling into my garage when I came to the realization that I did not have my passport for Millcreek Community Church's missions trip to Cap Haitien, Haiti - and we are leaving next week. I had mailed my passport out to process my work visa for China. I will be in China all of August this summer. I mistakenly told the visa processing company that I did not need my passport back until the end of July before I headed off to China, completely forgetting I needed it for Haiti June 27 - July 6. I was a crying mess as I quickly grabbed my stuff from my car and ran inside my apartment. 

With tears streaming down my face I fumbled with my cellphone to text Pastor Brad the news. Brad said he and Jill would pray. I then navigated to the visa company's website only to find out their offices do not open until Monday morning at 8:30am. What was I to do?!? My anxiety was sky rocketing, thinking of the worst case scenarios. I called Katie, a wonderful woman of godly encouragement in my life, who is also going on the trip to Haiti. She answered and I told her the news. She assured me God's hand was on the situation and reminded me He is in control. She prayed for me over the phone and I could feel the tears slowing down. I also called Maggie, a dear sister in Christ whom I miss terribly, and she too assured me that nothing is out of God's control. I am so thankful the Lord has placed such strong Christian women in my life. 

After talking to Katie and Maggie, I laid on the floor of my living room, in complete submission to Christ. I knew there was nothing I could do between Sunday night and Monday morning - except rely on Christ. He will provide. The Lord has a plan and whatever is in His plan cannot be stopped (Job 42:2). I prayed fervently that God would relieve me of the anxieties of not having my passport for Haiti and that I would be able to sleep soundly, that I may bring Him glory on Monday. As I prayed I felt the Lord's presence as my tears stopped completely and my breathing slowed. I reached out to many of my friends and asked for their prayers as well. I was able to sleep soundly and I awoke refreshed Monday morning. 

I called the visa processing company and Monday morning they had just received my passport and visa from the Chinese embassy!! Hallelujah!! They said they could rush ship my passport back and I would have it by Wednesday this week. For the rest of the day I kept refreshing the UPS tracking site, waiting to see an update on when the package would ship. Late Monday night the information was updated and it showed that my passport would arrive Tuesday morning!! I worked from home this morning so that I could be here to sign for the package. At 10:30am our prayers were answered again, my passport was in my hands! The Lord is always at work in my life but sometimes I forget and He needs to remind me to continually rely on Him.

Job 42:2
"I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted."

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