
Friday, September 20, 2013

You want me to sing? .... what?

On Sunday July 21, 2013 I had the opportunity to share how I experienced God's work in Cap Haitien, Haiti with the Millcreek Community Church Haiti missions team. Below is the written transcript of what I shared. You can also listen to it, and stories from the rest of the group, from the MCC website. Here is the direct link to the sermon.
When I began to reflect on this experience, I realized again and again, our God is all powerful. Similar to others in our group, I was nervous going to a fourth world country for the first time but there was another paralyzingly fear that I hadn't realized. I was tasked with teaching songs to the children during our VBS with Ryan... But I was terrified of singing in front of people.
Saturday night, our second night in Haiti, I was sitting in my room praying. I was so overwhelmed already and anxious for Monday's VBS. The rest of the group was playing cards in the living room but I was too upset to come out. I asked God to empower me to overcome this gripping fear. Not a minute later did Amy come knocking on my door and give me a big hug.
On Sunday I spent some time talking with Katie about my fear. I realized several things... that my heart was full of pride, I didn't want people to think I sounded bad, and Satan was using this fear to pull me away from God. God wanted me to minister to these 250 children through song, and it was Satan holding me back. The theme verse for our missions team was, Luke 18:27 But he said, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." It was impossible for me to overcome this fear of singing on my own, but it was possible with God.
Later that Sunday night we had a meeting to finalize everything for VBS and at the end, Jess looked at me and asked me to teach the memory verse song to the group. I looked at Katie, later she said the look on my face was hilarious but that she immediately started praying for me. I took a breath asked God to give me the courage. I sang the three lines and for the next ten minutes I practiced with the group! Afterwards I was elated and Katie encouraged me with a big hug.
Then throughout the week I was brought to tears multiple times as the children enjoyed the voices of Ryan, Seville who translated for us, and I. By the end of VBS the children knew the memory verse, Psalm 16:11, and could sing it strongly! Together we praised our Lord in English and Creole. Cultural barriers were broken down through song and the children learned about God's love and our Savior Jesus Christ.  
I learned that a fear can start small but grow to have a huge impact on our lives and hinder our service to our Lord. 2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” I learned I need to continually give myself over to God, and not be fearful in my weaknesses but joyful in that God's power is made perfect in those weaknesses!

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