One of the things I learned while staying at OMS was that while it is great to give someone medical care or provide a carpentry job for them, it is far greater to use that as an opportunity to make the gospel known!
When I returned to the States, so many people asked me, "So what did you build in Haiti?". At first I wasn't sure how to answer that question. I realized that many people living in the world just assume I went down to Haiti, built some houses, gave some money and left. Then it dawned on me that this in of itself is a way to make Christ known. I relied on God to boldly share that I was in Haiti spreading the gospel. Making Him known was my main mission, while there are many avenues to do so, such as helping at an orphanage or hosting a VBS.
A few days ago my friend Anthony provided a great answer to the question, "So what did you build?" That answer is, "We are building relationships on Jesus Christ!!" Amen!!
God calls us to spread His Word. If I go to a fourth world country and build a house or hug a child and think, oh I am a good person now, I've got it all wrong. I must go with a heart to serve the Lord. I have learned that If I can't use actual words, my actions can show Christ's love as long as I remember I am there to serve Him not myself.
The world is lost and needs to know of the Savior Jesus Christ!
Romans 3:11
"No one understands; no one seeks for God."
If no one is seeking God then we must bring them His Word!