The second day of Foundations of Leadership training at the Crotonville training site started off with a hearty breakfast of oatmeal, banana, and peanut butter of course.
But unlike my normal breakfast, I strolled over to the Cafe 56 at the White House for a Caramel Latte, which became my drink of choice for the week! GE knows how to get their employees to focus ... unlimited supply of caffeine!
Today we met our teams for the week. I was in Team 7, which instantly bonded over the first team building activity where we had to make a paper fish (any shape) and a fan with one sheet of flip-chart paper and race the other teams to the finish line! We were competing for "potentially valuable prizes" ... GE string bags, frisbees, and water bottles. Our team name was Jim Swims, and we won the race!
Have you ever taken a personality test before? I have done a few but today we did a simplified test to determine what is called our Social Style. There are 4 types, see the image to the left.
After taking the test, I determined that I was an Expressive with a back-up style of a Driver. I wasn't that surprised, I think I could have guessed that. The next activity was to text several of our friends that were not in class with us and ask them to describe us in one word. It was funny how our instructor Ivan was playing to everyone's Social Styles as he addressed the different groups.
"Analyticals; you are thinking, hmm who should I text. Drivers; ugh, why are we texting, this is not important, what does it matter what my friends think? Amiables; what if no one texts me back? Expressives; Sweet, we get to text in class!! I'm going to text a bunch of people!"
Well as an Expressive would, I did go an text a bunch of people and my list came back as: Intense, Genuine, Organized, Focused, Out-of-the-Box, Effervescent, Sincere, Bubbly, Generous, Passionate, Joyful, and Caring
Needless to say, I was very happy that my friends thought of me this way! :) But of course I have to focus on where my development needs are. I need to learn to not take this too personally. As an Expressive I share my emotions easily. I remember that from my childhood. But when a Driver sends a one word email, it doesn't mean they are angry or snobby, it just means that that is all they needed to communicate and saw no need to extra fluff. My goal is to learn to identify my friends and coworkers Social Styles and aim to communicate in a way they prefer.
After a plentiful buffet lunch, we returned to our studies. The afternoon focused on GE's Growth Values.
- Clear Thinker
- Expertise
- Inclusiveness
- External Focus
- Imagination & Courage
Richard Simpson, a Vice President and Officer of the company, leader of Global Supply Chain for Transportation, led the discussion on the Growth Values. Of the 5 values, Richard explained that he viewed Expertise as the most important. He urged us to "declare a major" at GE. For him, it was Supply Chain. He has worked in the Supply Chain area for 29 years.
After this discussion I spent some time thinking and realized that my area of expertise and "major" was Project Management. It is my passion and forte in the business world and in my personal life. Ask any of my friends, I am as ridiculously organized outside the office as I am inside. So here I am, "declaring my major" for the world to know ... Project Management it is! Now I only have to catch up to Richards 29 years!
More exciting updates to come ... on FOL Day 3!